IFCA Bible Quizzing Embracing God's Word
Carol Coglianese Rinker

I found quizzing to be very hard. Perfect memorization required discipline and understanding. The weekly meetings allowed us to spend time understanding the Word. Debates over what a verse meant also triggered deeper truths. Meeting many other kids and adults centered around God's Word was exciting. In my opinion, the camaraderie was unsurpassed.

Today, those same verses come back to me over and over again. Many have become favorites because of the acquired understanding. I would not be able to remember them if I had not memorized them earlier. I've used them to reason with people and to encourage.

Without quizzing, I don't believe I would have known or understood the first chapter of Romans when God declares everyone has seen him in nature and those that chose to deny God turn their desires to one another, men with men and woman with woman. The Word is definitely clear and powerful!

Carol Coglianese Rinker
Quizzer, Westchester Bible Church - 89-90 (Junior and Senior years)